Open Education Centre
Erasmus+ Programme – Small-Scale Partnership
Project No.: 2021-2-RO01-KA210-ADU-000049448
Adults from Rural Areas Also Deserve Personal Development
The aim of the project is to help the personal development of 60 adults living in rural areas of Romania and Bulgaria to lead a better quality of life, to access appropriate learning opportunities, to improve their key competences and to seek opportunities to obtain higher qualifications. The 18-month project supports the exchange of experiences and good practices in the field of personal development of rural adults. Participation in this form of non-formal learning will help them to discover and develop their level of skills, acquire knowledge, improve their positive attitudes and ultimately change their behaviour by communicating, coexisting and working more effectively within their environment (within the family, with friends or other social circles, at work, with colleagues, etc.).
The project is open to all adults who are interested in getting involved, regardless of their gender, race, religion, ability, political views, etc., as long as they have a minimum motivation and commitment to participate in all phases of the project.
Participants will go through various forms of training to develop communication skills , conflict resolution skills, problem solving skills, teamwork skills, skills for working and living in an intercultural environment, skills for planning their own development – professional and personal.
The trainings are taking place in Haskovo region – 34 participants from the villages – Konush, Zlato pole and Voivodovo.